3 Easy Steps To Help You Net More and Achieve The Highest and Best Price In The Shortest Period of Time!
1. Show Ready - Make it look like a model to energize the buying pool!
Smart Fixes
This involves providing the needed repairs to the home and removing the clutter. Remember, the goal is to create a great first impression! No budget for the fix?
Professional Staging
When you combine smart fixes with interior design and staging, you are ready for your photo shoot and evoking a positive emotional response!
Photo & Video
2. Pricing Options - Which one will maximize the buying pool for your home? Choose one...
Value Range
A value range can attract a large buying pool and create excitement. Activity creates activity and sets the stage for a multiple offer environment.
Below Market
Listing below market will attract buyers and our offer platform will help those that are really motivated to compete to get the home.
Test the Market
3. Marketing - Maximum exposure with cutting edge tech and the combination of...
Traditional Marketing
The basics are the MLS, 3rd party syndication, Just Listed post cards, For Sale sign, brochures and flyers, Brokers Open House and more.
Digital Marketing
Email blasts, creating a Property Website, and posting a ton of ads on social media…like Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram to build the buzz.
Smart Tools
Multiple Offer Environement - Offers Our Ranked - Achieve The Highest & Best Price

Prep >
Make sure your home is show ready and creates a great first impression.

Price >
Choose the pricing model that will maximize your buying pool.

Exposure >
Coming Soon Campaign: During your picture prep stage, set a date that you will have an open house and when you will start considering offers. No showings!

Open House >
Depending on the market, your prep and pricing, you should received mutliple offers within your range.

Rank & Choose >
Your Offer Platform will rank the offers and allow your buyers to compete. The best buyer will rise to the top.

Escrow Period
Simply choose the best offer and enter into escrow. The potential end result is the highest and best price in the shortest period of time.
Max Net.
Our sales method is designed to net you the most amount of money by creating a multiple offer environment and then leverage our proprietary Offer Platform software to get the true highest and best price.
Now it might be possible for you to net even more with my Seller Rebate program. Depending on the right circumstances, I will rebate 10% of my commision back to you at the close of escrow.
We put our money where are mouth is. If we don't perform to our mutually agreed upon price or above, my commission will be reduced. There has never been a more fair way to list a house!